What's this? A collection of five 8-bit Sega-hardware titles from the seminal late-'80s/early-'90s shooting game series Aleste, originally developed and published by the defunct studio Compile and now owned by emulation specialists M2 and reissued as part of the M2 ShotTriggers label each game has been enhanced with "gadget" displays on either side of the screen and comes equipped with several game-specific options and settings (including an option to remove flicker and slowdown), a rewind feature, online leaderboards, various screen/border options and a training mode-esque " Aleste Challenge" mode. Platform: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Game Gear Micro (Japan).Additionally, once Alfred is unlocked, you can play as the hidden, 2P-exclusive character Lao by placing the cursor on Alfred's character select portrait and holding B (or the equivalent of B on your Switch controller) for over 2 seconds. Helpful tip: Alfred, the secret boss from Real Bout 2 and protagonist of PS conversion Dominated Mind, can be fought by reaching stage 9 without using a continue and winning at least 3 rounds with a desperation move or 5 rounds with a super move, and defeating him will unlock him as a playable character. Why should I care? First Contact is a relatively unadorned conversion that lacks the more involved single-player content that came to define other NGPC fighting game conversions, but it is the only game that lets you play as B.Jenet's lackey Lao, so it has that going for it. What's this? Yumekobo's super-deformed handheld adaptation of Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, the final pre-timeskip Fatal Fury game, originally published in 1999 this game features 11 characters (plus two unlockable characters) from RBFF2, including popular newcomer Li Xiangfei and unpopular-but-still-rad Rick Strowd, as well as the NGPC's typical simplified two-button press-or-hold input system.

Useless fact: As with many of the feature phone games of this era, Oranger's sequel was not a direct mechanical followup but instead took the form of a match-3 puzzle game.

Why should I care? You're curious to see how Chroma Squad might've played if it had been designed a decade earlier for vastly more limited hardware.
#Gradius iii rom snes software
What's this? A tokusatsu-themed training sim, developed by Matrix Software and published by G-MODE for Japanese feature phones in 2005 players are tasked with auditioning and recruiting various members for their sentai squad, training them through the week and filming a sentai show every Sunday, with the direction and effectiveness of your training directly reflected in the outcome of the filming sessions. Useless fact: Hamster's deluxe treatment of Gradius III is due in part to it being their 200th consecutive weekly Arcade Archives release. Why should I care? Gradius III's grueling difficulty was not merely a consequence of design but of many technical shortcomings, ambiguous hit detection and unpredictable slowdown among them, so the additions and options added by Hamster to this release are not just welcome but essential for allowing the average player to squeeze any amount of fun out of the game (and trust me, it is fun). Hamster has gone above and beyond for this release, with many specific enhancements that go beyond the usual Arcade Archives feature suite, including a thorough stage/checkpoint/loop select option, the ability to toggle visible hitboxes and reduce the hitbox of the player ship and a granular set of toggles for many of the game's very specific "quirks".
#Gradius iii rom snes psp
What's this? The ruthless and divisive third arcade entry in Konami's classic side-scrolling shooting game series, originally released in arcades in late 1989, substantially rearranged for SNES and later ported to PS2 and PSP as part of various compilations.